Support for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - About the Adult Autism Center

The Adult Autism Center provides support for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Ongoing education is critical to helping adults with I.D.D. reach their full potential and experience the highest possible quality of life. The Adult Autism Center partners with families to help their adult children progress and succeed in their personal goals.Watch our video below to hear from families who have worked with us and how we can help.

The Origami Paper Crane Symbol

The origami paper crane symbolizes the intrinsic beauty and complexity of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and serves as a metaphor for helping them spread their wings, and achieve both a higher level of independence and a higher quality of life. crane symbol

First of Its Kind

Help For Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities By Providing The First Adult Autism Center of Its Kind

The Pingree Center was the first program of its kind created to serve preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorders back in 1977. It is considered the gold standard of treatment for individuals with autism. The program has expanded over the years and now serves individuals 22 and older. As these children age into adulthood, many of them still need the level of support provided by the services at the Pingree Center.

The Adult Autism Center is the first of its kind in Utah. It serves as an extension of the evidence-based treatment we provide at the existing Pingree Center. The services that our adult clients would benefit from are more focused on vocational skills, community integration, increased independence, and daily living skills. The shift in treatment focus and the developmental difference between the age groups currently being served at the existing facility, both show the need for a new campus to be created specifically for adults.

The goal is increased independence for each client based on their abilities and interests. We provide access to the community via internships, volunteers, and supported employment opportunities.

This program provides a place where individuals with significant needs can continue to get quality treatment and work towards independence and increased quality of life.

Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities are Being Left Behind

There are a number of services in the community for adults with disabilities, and even adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, but there is a gap in services for adults with I.D.D. who have significant needs. The adults who are served at this program require 24/7 care and supervision, they have lower cognitive and adaptive abilities, limited communication skills, and many have severe aggressive and self-injurious behaviors. There are not currently programs of this type with robust and quality services for this specific population. Adults with this level of need age out of educational services at 22 years old and typically at least one parent has to quit their job to be their full-time caretaker because there are no programs for them to go to during the day.







The Adult Autism Center Aims to Change That

The Adult Autism Center Aims to Change That

This program fills a desperate need in the community and is seen as a flagship program for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who need significant supports, much like the Pingree Center was a flagship program for preschoolers decades ago. The program is an extension of the high-quality, evidence-based programs we provide through the Pingree Center for children, but it will have a focus specific to serving adults.

The Adult Autism Center serves the needs of adults requiring a high level of support – those with lower cognitive and communication skills as well as the most challenging behavioral issues. With personalized care and instruction, individuals will learn valuable skills and achieve a higher level of independence.

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