Providing Resources for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities With Our Center

The Adult Autism Center will strive to fulfill an unmet need in the community by serving adults ages 18 and older with autism and other developmental disabilities, specifically those who have complex needs. We are here to provide resources for those adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are in need of socialization, recreation, development, and involvement. Our center will help and assist individuals with ASD or IDD to acquire the necessary skills for daily living (culinary, fitness, medical and dental, etc.). Additionally, this center will serve these individuals in academics, vocational training, reading, and other specific programs. All of our programs utilize ABA therapy to best grow each and every one of our students. Every staff member is highly trained to incorporate this type of therapy based on scientific findings, care for each individual, and assist them whenever needed.

adult autism center

Our Programs







Fitness Education

Fitness Education

Home Living

Home Living

Vocational Training

Vocational Training

The Need: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services for Adults

The Adult Autism Center works hard to meet the needs of adults and families alike. Our team is passionate about the programs and services we provide and believe the need is so great that it can never be overlooked.

We saw that there was a need to assist this demographic in Utah and nationwide. Adults with ASD and other developmental disabilities can live, work, learn, and play in their communities when given the proper support and resources. At the Adult Autism Center we want to set out and encourage these individuals to live an independent life and find meaningful employment.

Autism in Utah


Intellectual Ability


Waiting For Services


The Cliff


Adults with Autism


Interior of front desk of Adult Autism Center

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Support for Adults- Personal Growth

Our services will focus on person-centered independent living skills, vocational training, supported employment, and community integration with high levels of staff support to ensure individual progress and independence. Our treatments are scientifically based in ABA therapy.

We strive to be sure these individuals are being cared for and are growing daily. Each one of these individuals has a personal evaluation to determine their strengths, placement, and areas of improvement. From there, an individual is given a road map to meet personal goals that will better assist them in life. For any questions about our center, please contact us today.

It is part of our mission at the Adult Autism Center to ensure that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families have transition plans that result in a more independent adult life that is meaningful to the life of an adult with IDD, along with effective interventions, services, resources, and support throughout their lifetime.

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