Adult Autism Success Stories

Real-life stories about real-life people. Read about the journey, education, and success experienced by individuals who have been utilizing our ABA therapy services while at the Carmen B. Pingree Autism Center of Learning.

Throughout the years, our team of autism-specialists have been able to work with a wide array of community members. During our time working with children and teens with Autism, we have continued to see a need for a program specifically designed for adults, which is how the Adult Autism Center came to fruition. These autism success stories highlight the fulfilled and meaningful lives that our programs have helped enable throughout the autism community. By providing personalized and quality attention to individuals with autism, we have seen program participants grow by leaps and bounds. Our new Adult Autism Center will allow us to continue helping adults with autism as they progress into adulthood. We will focus on cultivating better daily living, verbal, and social skills through our ABA strategies. If you have a loved one or family member that would benefit from our adult autism center, please contact us today. Learn more about how you can support us in developing more autism success stories.


Meet Nathan

“An adult autism program would be the perfect solution for the needs of Nathan and his adult peers with autism. This would provide him the continued education and therapy he so desperately needs.”



“Having a child with autism has its many challenges. Having an adult with autism includes all the same challenges as well as size and limited resources. Our son Nathan is 18 years old, weighs 240 lbs, is 5′ 11″, and mentally very much a young child. When Nathan gets upset or has a meltdown when we are out in public, we can no longer pick him up and carry him out. Nathan is getting to the age where he has started to age out of a lot of programs. An adult autism program would be the perfect solution for the needs of Nathan and his adult peers with autism. This would provide him the continued education and therapy he so desperately needs.

Creating an adult autism program now will help to lay the foundation for future adults with autism. Utah being one of the states with a high percentage of children with autism will only result in those individuals growing into adulthood. The number of adults with autism here in Utah will only continue to grow over the years. Being proactive now will solve many issues that will arise in the near future.”

—Nate and Jessica, Nathan’s parents


Meet Savanna

“Savanna has been attending the Pingree Center for 12 years. Staff at the Pingree Center effectively manage challenging behavior and have implemented innovative ideas for helping Savanna cope in the real world.”



“Savanna has been attending the Pingree Center for 12 years. Staff at the Pingree Center effectively manage challenging behavior and have implemented innovative ideas for helping Savanna cope in the real world. The stability and guidance they have provided has significantly improved her communication and ability to handle change. Our whole family benefits from the help and support of the Pingree Center. Thank you!”

– Emilie, Savanna’s mom

Meet Jaden

Meet Jaden

“My son has attended the Carmen B. Pingree School for 9 years. He is currently in the adolescent program. Throughout the years I have come to realize there is no better program around. The school utilizes a robust system to manage behaviors, educate, and socialize my child.”

Meet Jaden


“My son has attended the Carmen B. Pingree School for 9 years. He is currently in the adolescent program. Throughout the years I have come to realize there is no better program around. The school utilizes a robust system to manage behaviors, educate, and socialize my child. They culminate a relationship of respect and dignity with my son that carries on to our home life. During his time at Pingree, my son has progressively learned verbal and non-verbal types of communication and increased cognitive functioning to exceed expectations. I’m confident and relaxed about the care and services he is receiving at the school. Jaden will continue to need these services into adulthood, which is why the adult program will be so beneficial to our family. Without that program, we would have nowhere else for him to go.”

—Jodeen, Jaden’s mom


Meet Carson

“The Adult Autism Center will be that place for Carson to spend his days. They know how to handle the hard days with behaviors and meltdowns. They also know how to celebrate the good days, the continued learning and growing.”



“I once heard a man say his biggest wish was to live one day longer than his disabled son. The ultimate dread for us, and for every parent of a special needs adult, is that no one will love and take care of him as we do. What will he do after he turns 22? Who will care for him when we’re gone? Where will his safe shelter be?

The Adult Autism Center will be that place for Carson to spend his days. The Pingree Center knows autism. They know how to handle the hard days with behaviors and meltdowns. They also know how to celebrate the good days, the continued learning and growing. I’m excited for Carson to continue to get the individualized, intensive program as an adult that he has had as a child at Pingree, adding vocational and life skills. Independence equals opportunity – and the more independence he learns, the better the quality of life he will have. Pingree gives Carson his best chance at the quality of life he deserves.”

—Cheryl, Carson’s mom

How can we help?

Do you have a loved one or family member that would benefit from one of our programs?
Fill out the form below and refer them today!