How Cooking Can Be Easy to Learn For Adults With Autism

Cooking is both a life skill and outlet, and although it’s a beneficial skill for all individuals of all ages, it becomes increasingly important as young adults age. For adults living with autism, there are unique challenges associated with cooking. Whether you struggle with sensory challenges, find it hard to follow directions, or experience fine and gross motor issues, you can address these hurdles and no longer think that cooking is hard— all it takes is practice, patience, and support and there are many easy to learn recipes out there to try.

Interested in learning how to cook or help your loved one become more comfortable in the kitchen? Here’s what you need to know.

Adults Cooking with Autism – Benefits and Challenges

While much of the research has focused on children, studies suggest that autism continues to impact eating behaviors into adulthood. This is why it’s important for adults with autism to maintain a healthy diet.

Many adults on the spectrum struggle with food and cooking because of sensory stimuli, extreme sensitivity to change, and a strong preference for a narrow selection of ingredients. Research shows that individuals with autism tend to favor processed foods and carbohydrates.

This can lead to poor nutrition and an increased risk of weight gain. That is why it’s important to help adults with autism explore new, more nutrient-dense ingredients. Cooking classes for adults with autism are a easy way to learn important cooking skills and further their knowledge on nutrition.

In addition to nutritional benefits, cooking is a critical life skill — one that encourages greater independence. If you or your loved one would like to move out of the family home, this is one key area that must be addressed. By developing such skills, individuals also build greater confidence while achieving a greater quality of life. In some cases, individuals become so passionate about cooking that they can pursue employment within the food and drink industry. It starts at mastering an easy to learn recipe and next thing you know you could be a chef.

Some of the other benefits include:

  • Facilitating social-emotional development
  • Honing fine motor skills
  • Improving executive functioning
  • Encouraging a wider variety of food choices

Each Individual Is Unique

To build autism cooking skills, you must focus on your unique strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This will allow you to develop a cooking plan that is best suited for you. To approach your cooking journey, start by keeping a record of you or your loved one’s reactions to sensations. You can also use this journal to record your successes in the kitchen and your goals. There are many recipes that are very easy to learn for adults with autism and can be shared with the whole family!

For example, if you have a hard time holding or using certain kitchen tools and utensils, adapt based on your personal needs. Practice your fine motor skills by tearing pieces of lettuce, and if you struggle to cut food, start with soft fruits or cooked ingredients, such as banana, strawberries, or cooked potato. When cooking hard recipes remember to take your time and be patient with yourself as you’re learning.

At the Adult Autism Center, we understand the importance of a personalized approach. Our culinary program allows adults of all ages and skill levels to become more confident in the kitchen. Our goal is to help adults with autism develop this life skill while striving for optimal health. There are also opportunities to sell baked goods within the community, encouraging stronger social skills.

Easy Recipes for Adults with Autism

There is no such thing as “autism recipes” but there are many meals that are approachable for those who face specific challenges. Again, it’s important to focus on recipes that allow individuals to create meals based on their personal skill level, taking each individual’s unique challenges into consideration. If taught correctly, adults with autism will find cooking easy, and in time will graduate from the easy to learn recipes to ones that are a bit harder.

Starting with a favorite food or meal is a good starting point. This helps connect individuals to the cooking experience based on the end reward.

Here are some example recipes to inspire you:

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