Home Living Program for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Moving out of the family home is one of the biggest steps for any individual. This milestone requires planning, and for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, there are additional challenges and steps to consider.

Whether an adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities continues to live at home or is able to move into the community, is often determined by how well they can manage everyday tasks without supervision. Individuals must be able to care for themselves, ensuring their safety and overall well-being.

The goal for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities is to develop critical life skills so they are able to live a more independent life. That is why at the Adult Autism Center, we have developed a home living program for adults with IDD that helps address independent living skills, focusing on daily living skills from housework to cooking.

Home living program for adults with autism.

How Does the Home Living Program Benefit Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders?

While participating in the home living program, clients will learn daily living skills — the types of skills that will allow them to live a more independent life.

Within the Adult Autism Center, there is a room that is set up like a studio apartment. This room has laundry machines, a bed, a closet, a shower, a kitchenette, etc. This environment allows clients to learn how to fold and put away laundry, hang clothes in a closet, wash dishes, maintain a clean apartment, etc.

The main goal of the home living program is to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities develop life skills in order to ensure a higher quality of life. By providing the tools needed for these skills to develop, individuals are able to increase their self-esteem, leading to greater happiness in all other areas of their life.

Curriculum Activities

Instruction will be individualized for the clients based on their personal ability. Adults with autism will be systematically taught daily living skills, working closely with our staff members. Since most individuals with autism benefit from clear, hands-on instructions, our team assesses the skill level of with each client.

The goal is to help our clients develop key life skills and hit their own personal milestones, which will then translate into life outside of the Adult Autism Center.

We understand that each person with autism is unique, so the life skills we teach are taught at varying paces. By providing a sample studio apartment, these skills will be learned in a natural environment. This means preparing food in the kitchenette and physically doing laundry using the wash machines provided.

Our web-based curriculum will also be utilized to teach daily living skills.

Skill Assessment

Placement Information

How Individuals Grow and Develop

How to Enroll

If you or a loved one would benefit from this program, please speak with the staff at the Adult Autism Center. To enroll in this program, individuals with autism and their family members/caregivers can also fill out our referral form so that we can learn more about you and your unique needs.